October President's Message

Dear Members,

Happy Halloween Everyone!!  October has been a very busy month for all of us, personally and professionally.  In case you missed any of our activities, I want to get you caught up on the CSI action we’ve had over the past month.  We started our Fall programs with a CEU lunch and tour of the New Millennium Building Systems manufacturing plant in Memphis.  It is always great to see what can be sourced from our very own city and we appreciated the opportunity that New Millennium provided. 

In mid-October, 3 of our chapter leaders went to the National CSI Convention in Denver, CO.  And I’m pleased to inform you that the Memphis CSI Chapter received the most awards of any chapter in the country.  I’m very proud to announce our chapter won the Outstanding Chapter Commendation!  Cheers to us!!  We have all worked very hard over the past couple of years to achieve this recognition.  The other awards were for individuals who have served our chapter at the highest level and they are: 

Melissa Pope, Communications Award

Nestor Lobos, Communications Award

Chris McNally, owner and President of Memphis Reprographics, Organizational Certification of Appreciation

We will be acknowledging these individuals, as well as celebrating our chapter’s commendation at next month’s social and food drive for the Mid-South Food Bank.   We hope you can join us at Flip Side at 1349 Autumn Avenue from 5:30 – 7:30pm on November 16, 2022.  Entry to this meeting is a non-perishable food item.  Donations are down at the food banks in Memphis, this will be our way of giving back to our community.

On October 22, we had a lot of fun at our annual Boos & Brews event at Meddlesome Brewery.  This year all proceeds from Boos & Brews went towards our Dempsie B. Morrison Scholarship Fundraiser.  We will announce how much we raised at next month’s social, as well as how far along we are to hitting our $12,000 goal.  If you are interested in donating, you can find the link on our website under the scholarship tab.  Boos & Brews would not have been possible without the generosity of our sponsors, Yates Construction, Perkins & Everitt and The Dillard Companies.  We thank them for supporting CSI!  ABC West TN Chapter partnered with us to bring this event to our community.  They were instrumental in the success of this event and we thank them as well. 

To wrap up the year, we will have our Year End Extravaganza party on December 8th at No. 2 Vance at 325 Wagner Place in downtown Memphis.  This is strictly a “come and have fun” event, so mark your calendars and save the date!                 

To stay in touch with all we do, please follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram (@memphiscsi on Instagram and at CSI Memphis on Facebook).  

Thank you for your membership and I look forward to seeing you!

Lisa Perkowski